Discovering Sète

Titre : Discovering Sète

A twelve step walk down history lane
Auteur : Martin Guillemot
Format : 21 x 29,7 cm | 32 pages
9,90 € | ISBN : 9-791092-610765

Date de parution : février 2019

The discovery of a historical city is always an emotional journey and is best undertaken following a common thread which helps our senses interpret the signs of the past. The purpose of this book is to guide you, in 12 steps, on this exploration.

12 steps in space: this guide invites you to discover the city center in 10 steps, to which two steps in further neighborhoods are added.

12 steps in time: each stop is illustrated by a simple description of the elements and events which have forged the history of the sites visited.

Very few people stay indifferent to Sète. If you do not yet know the town nor know of its history, then I already envy you: this discovery is a beautiful adventure!

Martin Guillemot
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