

Editorial Label

Audasud is an editorial label whose objective is the design and creation of innovative content and the key words are audacity and the south. Audasud is involved in actions dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of our southern heritage. The Audasud editorial label is involved in the design and implementation of innovative and rewarding publications, through graphic and typographic design. Editor and typographer, Jean-Renaud Cuaz founded Audasud in 2020 in Sète with Frédérique Thureau, editorialist and consultant in sustainable innovation.


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By order in mainland bookstores

In the bookstores of Sète:

L’Échappée Belle: 7 rue Gambetta   04 67 43 64 54

Nouvelle librairie sétoise: 7 rue Alsace Lorraine   04 67 74 43 21

Librairie Gavaudan: 1 rue Gambetta | 04 67 74 82 78

In the press stores of Sète:

La presse singulière: 1 rue Général de Gaulle | 04 67 43 98 74

Le Saint Clair: 1 boulevard Danielle Casanova | 04 67 46 01 69

Delta Presse: 8 avenue Victor Hugo | 04 67 74 74 24

At the Archipel de Thau Tourist Office

60 grand rue Mario Roustan, Sète | 04 86 84 04 04

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